Day 3. Afternoon
15.30 - 17.00 / 29 April 2024
Lecture Hall 4
Early Intervention, Autism Diagnosis - Challenges, Mother's Experiences, and Some Solutions
Dr. Chafica Gharbieh

Education specializing in autism, Behavioral analysis, and language, UK &Professor at the Lebanese International University (LIU), President and founder of ALI for ABA, Licensed in music therapy and auditory integration (TLP)
PhD Psychology


يدير الجلسة:
د.شفيقة منصور غربية: دكتوراة في التعليم المتخصص للتوحد والتحليل السلوكي واللغة، المملكة المتحدة، وأستاذ في الجامعة اللبنانية الدولية (LIU)، رئيس ومؤسس مركز ALI for ABA، مرخصة في العلاج بالموسيقى والتكامل السمعي (TLP)

Suzan Ahmed
Consultant in Dubai Health Authority and a certified trainer in the Emirates Association of Certified Consultants and Trainers.

سوزان أحمد
استشاري في هيئة صحة دبي ومدرب معتمد في جمعية الإمارات للاستشاريين والمدربين المعتمدين.
Neurodiversity Advocate and Writer, public speaker and mother of autistic child.
Karen Kehdy
Executive Assistant at Ecolab
Mother of 3 kids the eldest is 11 years old boy on the Autism Spectrum.

كارين الكعدي
ناشطة وكاتبة في مجال التنوع العصبي، أم لطفلة توحد و مديرة مجموعات الدعم
Sarah Touma

سارة توما
مساعدة تنفيذية في شركة ايكولاب
، ام لثلاثة اطفال اكبرهم وعمره ١١ سنة لديه اضطراب طيف التوحد.
Co-founder and Managing Director of Georgetown Early Intervention Center. Autism Mum Supporter/inclusion advocate, Individualised, Play-Based Practices Advocate, Admin of Autism Support Dubai Group, Autism Families FUN Event Organiser, and a mother of autistic twins.
Zahra Abdulrahman Aljasmi

كارين الكعدي
ناشطة وكاتبة في مجال التنوع العصبي، أم لطفلة توحد و مديرة مجموعات الدعم
Getting an autism diagnosis is a challenging time for the entire family. Parents can go through denial, grief, anger, depression and more. However, it is important to apply the strategies of Early Intervention to help your child adapt and learn new skills. As parents try to navigate the new world of Autism, learning about Sensory, Behavioural, languistic challenges, as well as different forms of therapy, can be overwhelming. Learm more about why Earlt Intervention is crucial and how to navigate, embrace, and accept your child’s autism with a group of mothers who will share their experiences and insights about their journey with their autistic children and the path of neurodiversity.
  • Parents
  • Сaregivers
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Doctors
For whom:
What we will learn:
  1. Diagnosis and Early Intervention journey
  2. Acceptance and the road to proper early intervention strategies
  3. The importance of early intervention (What I wish I knew, would do differently, and what have we learned during this phase?)
  4. The effectiveness of early intervention in developing social/language skills and overcoming behavioural challenges
  5. The importance of Family Engagement
  6. Various therapy programs for early intervention (Discussion as mothers share their experiences)
  7. Advice on how to avoid fake non-scientific forms of therapy.
  8. The power of Neurodiversity and moving towards a strength based model
with Mothers:

Fatima Al-Sarayrah
Psychologist , writer for Al Khaleej newspaper and author of stories about autism disorder Honorary doctorate in creativity in the field of autism disorder
- فاطمة الصرايرة - ⁠اخصائية نفسيه وتعديل سلوك الاطفال والمراهقين من البورد الامريكي الكندي كاتبة في صحيفة الخليج ومؤلفة قصص عن اضطراب التوحد
The workshop will be held as the part of conference program.
XII International Research and Practice Conference
“Autism. Challenges and Solutions"