Autism. Challenges and solutions.
Testimonials. 2023
بتوفيق من الله أولا، وبرعاية سامية كريمة من سمو الشيخ/ خالد بن زايد آل نهيان- رعاه الله، رئيس مجلس إدارة مؤسسة زايد العليا لأصحاب الهمم، حقق المؤتمر الدولي لمستجدات بحوث طيف التوحد الذي تم تنظيمه خلال الفترة 28-29-30/ أبريل/ 2023 م في قاعة الثريا بفندق روتانا بيتش- أبو ظبي بالتعاون والتنسيق بين مؤسسة زايد العليا ومركز لوتس هولستك- أبوظبي ومركز التوحد بموسكو . وقد أكد الحضور جميعهم من شخصيات رسمية من السفراء وأعضاء السلك الدبلوماسي، وجميع العلماء الباحثين المختصين في دراسة وبحث وعلاج حالات التوحد المشاركين بالمؤتمر من العديد من الدول على اختلاف بلادهم، حيث ضم ما يربو على خمسين باحثا من أشهر علماء حالات التوحد لجميع أنواع الإصابة، فقد شهد كل منهم بعد انتهاء المؤتمر، بالنجاح الكبير محققا الأهداف المرجوة في حشد هذه النخبة الدولية من أصحاب الخبرات والبحث العلمي، وانتهوا إلى مخرجات علمية لعلها محطة علمية مبتكرة لتخفيف معاناة أطفال التوحد وتقديم الوعي لأهاليهم وللمجتمع وللجهات المسؤولة في الدولة وتفهمهم لضرورة الاهتمام بهذه الفئة التي باتت تمثل نسبة متزايدة من أعداد المواطنين في كل بلد.
ولعل من الأهمية بمكان، أن تتحمل الهيئات الرسمية والمؤسسات الخاصة المسؤولية المجتمعية لمواصلة هذه البحوث والدراسات.
ولعله أيضا من دواعي الفخر والاعتزاز أن تشهد عاصمة الإمارات العربية المتحدة- أبو ظبي، هذا الحدث العلمي العالمي، والذي يعتبر إضافة نوعية في مضمار مسيرة الحضارة الإنسانية التي تشهدها الدولة بفضل التوجهات السامية لسيدي صاحب السمو محمد بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس الدولة -حفظه الله تعالى -صاحب اليد البيضاء، والمبادرات الكريمة، لتحقيق الحياة الكريمة، وتكريس الاهتمام بالإنسان ومستقبل الأجيال
وخاصة أصحاب الهمم، ومنهم حالات التوحد.
دكتور عبد الحميد عبد الحي
مستشار اللجنة العليا للمؤتمر
رئيس مجموعة لوتس هولستك

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
بتوفيق من الله تعالى حقق المؤتمر الدولي لمستجدات بحوث التوحد، الذي تم تنظيمه في العاصمة أبوظبي خلال الفترة 27 إلى 30 أبريل 2023م نجاحاً باهراً سجل بصمات علمية إنسانية اجتمع على تقييمها ما يربو على أكثر من خمسين باحثا من كبار العلماء و الباحثين و الأكاديميين في حالات التوحد من مختلف دول العالم،حيث قدموا آخر مستجدات البحوث العلمية، وتبادلوا الخبرات بجلسات ومناقشات شهد لها الجميع ﺑﺄنها كانت من أفضل المؤتمرات العالمية لهذا الموضوع.وقد وردتنا عقب هذا المؤتمر العديد من الخطابات والشهادات من مراكز علمية وبحثية يؤكدون حرصهم على مواصلة هذا الجهد ويطالبون بتوثيق هذه البحوث لتكون مرجعا علميا لدراساتهم.
الأمر الذي دعا سعادة عبد الله الحميدان الأمين العام لمؤسسة زايد العليا لأصحاب الهمم للعمل على استدامة المؤتمر سنويا لتكون أبوظبي بإذن الله تعالى منارة علمية للدراسات والبحوث العلمية الإنسانية المبتكرة سنويا.
وإننّا في اللجنة التنفيذية الدائمة سوف نواصل الجهد لدفع عجلة البحوث لتثبيت معالم الحضارة الانسانية لابوظبي في ظل القيادة الحكيمة
لسيدي صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن زايد آلِ نهيان رئيس الدولة-حفظه الله-
ابناؤنا من اصحاب الهمم- فئة التوحد يتطلعون بعين الأمل لشفائهم .. ونسال الله تعالى ان تكون هذه المؤتمرات حبل تمكينهم و تطوير مهاراتهم ..والله ولي الامر والتوفيق.

أمينة الهيدان

Dear Colleagues!
The entire conference was broadcast for three days on a specially organized online platform for an audience from Russia. People from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin listened to reports and lectures from both halls live! We received feedback from different parts of our vast country, and they are enthusiastic. The conference ran smoothly in THREE languages, and language barriers did not interfere with the dissemination of the best knowledge and practices. There is a lot of work ahead, but as the conference showed, we all know how to do it for the benefit of those wonderful people who have autism. Thank you!!
President of Autism Challenge Center (Russia)
Ekaterina Men

Naila Rabbani, Ph.D.,
Professor of Basic Medical Science at College of Medicine, Head of proteomics at QU Health, Qatar University, former Head of the Human Genetics, Unit at the Egypt’s National Research Center (NRC) (Qatar)
I had a great time presenting my latest findings on blood test for autism and new therapeutic approach at Autism-Challenges and Solutions 2023 conference in Abu Dhabi. The event was successful, and I look forward to exciting developments from future collaborations and partnerships. Great job by teams from Russia, Abu Dhabi, and Saudi Arabia. Thank you to Mrs. Amina Al Haidan and the organizing committee for the invitation and for including parents and children in the multidisciplinary event. Special thanks to the sponsors, particularly The Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination #ZHO.
Tatiana Gruzinova, BCBA,
Speech therapist, behavioral analyst (Russia)
Thank you to the organizers of the conference "Autism. Challengers and Solutions" 2023. The event was informative and well-organized, allowing specialists from different fields to share important information with each other and parents. It was great to talk with professionals from other countries, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to present my work to the international community. The conference inspired me with new ideas to help children and their families.
Afaf Al Ansary
Ph.D., Professor, Member in Autism Research and Treatment Center, KSA, Scientific Consultant of Autism Center, Lotus Holistic Medical Center in Abu Dhabi, in the recent past senior scientist at King Saud University (Egypt, Saudi Arabia, UAE)
Sincere congratulations on the hard-earned success to Mrs. Amina AL Haidan.
Because integrative organizing efforts is always critically needed to support scientific meetings and conferences, It is my great pleasure to acknowledge Sheikh Khalid bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination and Mr. Abdula Abdel-Ali Al-Humaidan, Secretary General of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, for accepting co organizing our event. We are so thankful that you have supported our conference and joined as partners for success. This support helped us achieve our goal to spread awareness to individuals with autism and their families about the recent advances in ASD scientific research that enables them to find treatment or intervention strategies for their children.
Carmelo Rizzo, M.D., Ph.D.,
Professor, Nutritionist, Allergologist (Italy)
Dear Katya, Afaf Al Anasary, Amina Al Haidan, Alka, dear scientists, clinicians, caregivers and all participating parents, this XI UAE International Annual Research and Practice Conference- Autism.Challenges and Solutions, held in Abu Dhabi, has been an unforgettable multidisciplinary conference. I returned back to my work in Rome full of enthusiasm towards the common work done with all lecturers and with the idea to offer ASD children and their families a better quality of life and cures. My take home message for you is “Don’t let you guard down”! We can reach that goal. Bless you all.
Chairman of Association of Applied Behavior Analysis Specialists (RusABA) (Russia)
Maria Sudarikova, MA, ВСВА, IBA,
Dear colleagues, the conference appeared as an outstanding event for professional and parents, connected with autism. Center of the Challenges of Autism working hard for more then 10 years to unite and connect people who are passionate in supporting people with different abilities. All these years the Conference Autism: Challenges and Solutions bring parents, educators and doctors together to collect challenges, discuss solutions and share it in the community. In these challenging times a possibility to meet in person, to shake hand and hag, to say warm words to each other, to share experience – troubles and wins, make new friends and create collaborations – it is invaluable. People who help others a lot, need support for themselves as well. Thank you all who made this dream come true. As a chairperson of Russian ABA Association, I appreciate the opportunity to share information about applied behavior analysis with such a wide and engaged audience. The conference schedule was full of information about evidence-based treatment methods presented by experts in a clear and practical way. I hope that professionals in the UAE and in Russia will feel more confident and cope with more complex tasks in their work and achieve even more amazing results with their students.
The XI International Autism conference- Challenges and Solutions was an extremely well-organized event that exceeded expectations. It provided a platform for experts with different perspectives to discuss a wide range of topics related to autism. The conference opened doors to new possibilities of collaboration and reinforced the importance of taking a multidimensional approach to supporting people with ASD. I'm grateful for the opportunity to attend and be inspired to continue working towards raising awareness about ASD.
President of the spouses of Ambassadors in the UAE
Mrs. Vandana Sudhir
Founder and Executive Director of Behavior Momentum India (India)
Smita Awasthi, M.A., Ph.D., BCBA-D,
Congrats Mrs. Amina Al Haidan on a wonderful conference. Thanks for the invitation and opportunity to share my research. I met amazing people and hope to be in touch. Best wishes to all.
Professor of Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine (USA)

Wail Hassan, Ph.D.,
Congratulations on a wonderful conference! Loved everything from the hotel to the food. Thank you!
Vice president of autism services for Easterseals of Southern California; president of the B. F. Skinner Foundation; founder of ABA Unlimited, Inc. (USA)

Joyce С. Tu, Ed.D., BCBA-D,
Wonderful conference! Thank you and the whole conference team for your hard work. It is amazing to see clinicians, educators, and researchers from all over the world sharing knowledge and passion to improve the quality of life of people with autism. I am very honored to be a part of it safe travels everyone!
Clinical psychologist, behavior analyst, author of “Mindfulness Program for Parents of Children with Autism” (Russia)
Olessia Zmikhnovskaya, MA, CBT,
Grateful for the opportunity to participate in the annual conference and looking forward to seeing new friends next year!
Michael M. Mueller, Ph.D., BCBA-D, IBA,
Many thanks to the organizers for such a wonderful and first class conference! Appreciative and thankful for the invitation. Events like this are so beneficial for the parents and providers who get such a wonderful mix of perspectives all with a unified goal of improvingthe lives of people with autism. Proud to be a part of it!
Executive Director of International Behavior Analysis Organization (USA)
Congratulations for the successful conference.
Thank you for organizing such an outstanding event!
Senior specialist in neurophysiology and an assistant professor of physiology at college of medicine, Imam Mohammed bin Saud University, Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)
Dr. Sarah Al-Mazidi
Thank you very much for organizing this conference - it was a wonderful engaging and enriching experience. So honored and privileged to be a part of such an innovative and collaborative event.
Speech-Language Pathologist Autism Specialist, Professional Education Instructor, Certified PLAY Project Provider (USA)
Sheryl Rosin Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Founder and CEO of Autism Consultancy Services in London and Autism Company for Education in Riyadh (Greece, UK, Saudi Arabia)

Christos K. Nikopoulos, DPHIL, BSC(HONS), BCBA-D, GMBPSS, CSCI, FHEA,
Thank you so much. For everything. The confrence went on smoothly beautifully peacefully. And is due to the huge effort from all organisers. Thank you again. And looking forward for more useful events.
Take care.
Professor of Nutrition and Metabolism Department of Food Science & Nutrition, College of Food & Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University Riyadh (Saudi Arabia)

Hanan Al-Fawaz
Sincere congrats. Thank you for kind invitation. Thank you for everything every simple details you and your wonderful scientific and organizers committee think about it. Sincere congratulations on your hard-earned success. You are proof that good things come to those who are willing to sacrifice to reach a worthwhile goal. distinguished conference with hot topics which gathered outstanding scientists, clinicians, caregivers, and most importantly parents to learn and actively interacts in the discussion of the most hot topics in autism research and go back home with great hope for their children to be improved. Proud to be a speaker and shared my knowledge with fabulous speakers Special thanks go to amazing coordinator Prof.Afaf for magnificent effort.

Looking forward for more useful conference.
Naturopathic Doctor in Synergy Integrated Medical Centre (UAE)
Parviz Rashvand, ND, Ph.D.,
Dear madam Amina Al Haidan, Dr Afaf Al Ansari, all the Russian friends and the rest of the organizers thank you all very much for the success conference. It was very fruitful and positive and for sure it brought people closer to each other for a better future for the mankind. I was honored to be a part of it. Thank you all very much.
Early intervention program director at Sanad Village, Dubai (UAE), International Standards Committee Member of QABA Board. Future Behavior Analyst Academy Founder WBAD board member
Mahmoud A. Mahmoud, M.Ed., BCBA., QBA., IBA,
Dear Ms Amina AL Haidan and team of organizers and professors. It was and honor to attend, share experiences and learn the latest updates. I loved how the conference was inclusive and beneficial for professionals, practitioners and parents. This conference hopefully will spark a chain of collective cooperations in autism studies. Bless you all.
Barbara Gross, MA, MEd, BCBA, LBA, CSE,
Very honored and blessed by the hospitality of the organization, and thankful for new friends. Let's continue to talk and learn from each other!
Missouri Behavior Consulting (USA)
Many thanks for all Organizers for this wonderful successful great Conference. Appreciative and thankful for the invitation. Events like this are so beneficial for all familis improving-the lives of autistics. Congratulations for this distinguished Conference
Professor of Human Genetics, and Former Head of the Human Genetics Unit at the National Research Center (NRC) in Egypt
Dr. Nagwa Meguid, MD, Ph.D.
The Conference deemed a great success!!! Thank you very much for everything!!! I really hope that the attendees found it useful as well!! A huge thank you to organisers for such a smooth Conference!! Take care!!
Professor and Consultant of Neurophysiology, Director of KSU-Autism Research and Treatment center, Department of physiology, Faculty of Medicine, King Saud University (Saudi Arabia)
Laila Al-Ayadhi, Ph.D.
Vice president Special Olympics Global Center for Inclusion, Abu Dhabi (UAE)
Salyne Samarany, MBA,
In a world where stigma and exclusion are limiting millions of people with intellectual disabilities from realising their full potential; its been heartwarming to spend the past 3 days with a great group of like-minded humans that are staunch advocates for inclusion for children with ASD. May you all continue to work relentlessly for a more informed and just world where all autistic children and families are given the care and support they deserve.

Thank you for the opportunity.
I learned a lot!
Chief Researcher of the Scientific and Practical Center for Mental Health of Children and Adolescents. G.E.Sukhareva (Russia)
Natalia Ustinova, M.D., Ph.D.,
Thanks to the organizers for a warm welcome and hopes to continue working on solving autism-related issues.
Enjoyed the conference's atmosphere and convenience, impressed by Abu Dhabi's growth, pleased to meet Russian-speaking patients, and appreciated the expertise of the organizers.
neurologist, psychiatrist, functional diagnostics neurophysiology expert, chief medical officer, “Doctrine” clinic, St. Petersburg (Russia)
Igor Efimov, M.D.,
Psychologist, Clinical Director of the "Casa dei Sogni" Autism Center of “Oltre le Parole” Foundation, Didactic activities coordinator and ABA Master Lecturer at the Humanitas University Consortium AdC - SIACSA - ABA (Italy)
Daniele Rizzi, MS, BCBA,
Thank you for an incredible convention. The level of speakers and variety of topics made it essential for both professionals and parents.
Chairman of the RusABA Board, Director of the ABA-training Center “StepUp ABA” (Russia)
Ekaterina Zhestkova, BCBA, IBA,
Dear colleagues, dear organising committee, I am so proud to join this perfect conference. Thank you for inviting me. It was my first trip to Emirates and I am absolutely charming with this country. All the people from the organising committee were so supportive and so open hearted, despite on their busyness. Thanks a lot for Autism Challenge Center for your outstanding efforts for making live persons with autism and their families better. Hope to see all of you again soon!
Thank you so much for all the kindness shown to me over the last few days. I had a super time and enjoyed the presentations as well as the camaraderie.

I was, as you could probably see, at the presentation at the end of the conference proper, stunned by the reception I received. As you know, life has been difficult for me recently and I cannot pretend that I am through that phase yet but there is certainly light at the end of the tunnel. I will be going to the lab today to discuss the presentations with the lads and get their views on it,

The travel was hard work and I had to miss a nights sleep as I was squashed between two overweight men on the flight and there were a few delays too.

I feel revitalised. My colleagues and I have been speaking at a number of places in the Balkan States to parents and teachers mainly but it is the first proper scientific event I have been to for some years (Covid partly to blame). Thank you again for the invitation and for encouraging me to attend.

with gratitude and very best wishes,
Paul Shattock.

Executive Member and Former President of World Autism Organisation, Founder of ESPA-Research (UK)

Paul Shattock
It was a greater chance to be part of the amazing and successful event. Great thanks to Mrs.Ameina and her team for inviting valuable and distinguished speakers about autism to the UAE. Many thanks for the russian autism centre for the support and making this event a success. grateful thanks and a continued appreciation for ZHO for sponsoring the event and special thanks for H.E Abdullah Alhomidan and his team for the tremendous efforts and support during the conference. Finally we are looking forward to seeing you next year here in abudhabi, with new speakers and scientists from different parts of the world to tell us more about the most advanced and updated therapeutics and practices to treat ASD.
Head of UAE stem cells group &
Lead researcher Technology Innovation Institute
Dr. Shaikha Almazrouei
An enriching conference with great content, great speakers and great organisation. It successfully brought together experts from all around the world who discussed the latest advancements and recommendations for autistic children. Definitely an enjoyable experience, with great people and engaging topics. All sessions were very informative, especially the practical ones. Most importantly the educational goal of the conference was achieved, which was to pull autism out from the shadows .Thank you to Mrs. Amina and to all those that made it possible!I Looking forward to the conference in 2024.
Nassima Bekkar
DOm,MAc.l.Ac .BSc
لقد شاركت في المؤتمر الدولي للمستجدات في بحوث التوحد وكنت حاضراً تفاصيله الدقيقة منذ وقبل انطلاقه كانت تنظيماً رائعاً بكل المقاييس والزخم العلمي والتنوع الفكري تصب في بحر واحد من 26 دولة اجتمعوا هنا لايجاد حلول لتحديات التوحد وكوني صحفي لقد نهلت ثقافياً أكثر في سبر أغوار التوحد من خلال هذا المؤتمر مما جعلني اكثر دراية وكتابة عنه في المستقبل ان شاء الله تعالى
وانا انسانياً وهو اهم جانب فقد شعرت بحجم المعانة التي يعانيها المصابون بطيف التوحد وذويهم فقد غادرت المؤتمر وقلبي ينبض بالدعاء لهم سائلاً المولى عز وجل ان يشفي جميع حالات التوحد وان يكون مع ذويهم في شتى بقاع الارض واقول ختاماً #التوحد_معاً دائماً
الاعلامي نزار الزعيم محمد العلي
مدير المركز الاعلامي لمؤتمر التوحد
مراسل صحفي وتلفزيوني
إن هذا المؤتمر هو المؤتمر الدولي الأول الذي ينعقد في الإمارات العربية المتحدة وتحديدا إمارة أبو ظبي وهو من أهم المؤتمرات التي تلقى الضوء على فئة غالية على قلوبنا أطفال التوحد...
حضور مؤسسات متخصصة بذلت جهدا كبيرا في الوصول إلى أدق التفاصيل المتعلقة بتلك الفئة من مختلف الدول من العالم... وقد أجمع جميع المشاركين في المؤتمر من الباحثين والأطباء والأكاديميين والطلبة والأهالي وأصحاب التجربة أن هذا المؤتمر كان له بالغ الأثر في معرفة واكتشاف ما قد يساعد هذه الفئة على تمكينهم في مجتمعهم. ونشكر المنظمين والمنفذين للمؤتمر الذين بذلوا كل ما في وسعهم لرعاية كل الفئات المنضمة إلى المؤتمر حيث أعطى فرصة كبيرة للمهتمين بالتعرف على أهم المتطورات والمستجدات في هذا المجال وحث المعالجين والمدربين والمعلمين إلى الحضور والاهتمام بذلك في الأيام القادمة.
ريما اوطه باشي
منسقة ومشرفة ومعلمة في المدرسة الالمانية الدولية
مؤتمر التوحد كان مؤتمر جدا مميز لطرحه ابحاث فريده من نوعها و من مختلف المناطق في العالم .
ونشكركم على اجهزة الترجمه كانت مفيده جدا لنا.
ميثه المخمر - اخصائية مختبرات طبيه
كل الشكر والتقدير للقائمين على هذا المؤتمر ونتمنى أن يتم تسجيل كل البحوث والدراسات في اي من وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لتكون مرجعا متاح للجميع.
غريبه بنت سعود الحبابي
Director of the Retal Institute, Founder of the Imprint of Hope Initiative, and Former Advisor to UNHCR
CEO Al Fakhr Group
Attending the conference was incredibly valuable, not only for experts in the field of autism but also for individuals like myself who are seeking to deepen their knowledge and understanding of the condition. Thanks to the insights gained at the conference, I am better equipped to support and empower children from diverse backgrounds. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the organizers of the event, and in particular, Ms. Amina Al Haidan for her exceptional attention to detail that ensured the conference's success. I wish her continued excellence and success in all her future endeavors.
May Kadkoy
I had the privilege of attending a transformative conference that brought together passionate individuals, experts, and families united in their goal to enhance the lives of those with autism. The event was a testament to collaboration, empathy, and dedication. It provided a space for sharing stories, exchanging knowledge, and embracing diversity within the autism community. The conference acknowledged challenges and served as a catalyst for practical solutions and innovative approaches. I left feeling inspired, motivated, and committed to advocating for inclusivity and understanding. Many thanks to the speakers, presenters, facilitators, and organizers who generously shared their expertise and experiences. Your dedication to the autism community is commendable. Congratulations to Mrs. Amina Al Haidan for bringing this wonderful conference together, and thank you for the opportunity to witness this incredible event.
Samah Salem
Ayurvedic Medicine and Cupping Therapy Expert (UAE)
I highly appreciate the efforts of Conference organizing committee. I am truly impressed by their achievement of bringing global expertise under one conference. Their hard work has surely paid up and I strongly feel that the discussion and efforts of this conference will benefit the autism community and their caregivers. My heartfelt congratulations.

Dr. Tehsin Ajazhusein Malik

Ministry of community (UAE)

I attended and enjoyed the conference. It was an opportunity to network and learn new skills and information around inclusion, behavior and the medical findings around autism. Thank you to everyone involved in organizing this event. We look forward to future events.
Nehad Alhemeiri

أستاذ مساعد في كلية الصيدلة- جامعة المعرفه بالرياض
دكتورة عفاف الانصاري،
صدقا كانت رحلة ابوظبي من اجمل رحلات حياتي الله يسعدك و يبارك لك في صحتك .
ما تتصوري كيف رجعت انسانة ثانية ..الكل مستغرب كنت كاني طايره..
زادتني ثقه ..حبيت المؤتمر والناس الذين تعرفت عليهم كلهم زي العسل..

الله يسعدك ..يااغلى من عرفت..
نجاة حامد
اختصاصي في. طب الهوميوباثي.
هنئة خاصة لسعاده عبد الله الحميدان للنجاح الباهر للمؤتمر الدولي للمستجدات في أبحاث التوحد تحت رعاية سمو الشيخ خالد بن زايد رئيس مؤسسة زايد العليا لأصحاب الهمم .
لقد ساعد هذا المؤتمر في معرفة التطورات الحديثة للأبحاث العلمية والتي تساهم في العلاج ونشر الوعي للأفراد المصابين بالتوحد ولأسرهم. كما تضمن المؤتمر تنظيم ورش عمل تطبيقية منوعة تساهم في معالجة اضطرابات التوحد بمشاركة عدد كبير من الاطباء والباحثين و الخبراء.
د ايهاب حسن محمد مكي.
We at the SEDRA Foundation are incredibly proud to have been a community partner of the International Autism Conference held in Abu Dhabi Rotana Hotel from 28 - 30 April. The conference provided a unique opportunity to bring together local and international experts in the field of autism to share their knowledge, experiences and latest research.

We were particularly thrilled with the parent track sessions that provided a dedicated space for parents to engage with the latest research and strategies to support their children with autism. The parent track sessions were led by renowned experts in the field of autism and provided a valuable forum for parents to connect, learn and share their experiences.

The conference program design was well thought out, with a variety of lectures, workshops, and interactive sessions that provided a comprehensive overview of the latest research, strategies, and interventions related to autism. The sessions were engaging, informative, and provided practical insights for attendees to implement in their personal and professional lives.

We were also pleased to see the involvement of local experts as session heads, which added an important dimension to the conference. It was heartening to see the local committee taking an active role in organizing the conference, which not only showcased their commitment to autism awareness but also provided a platform for international collaboration.

Overall, the International Autism Conference was a resounding success, and we were thrilled to be a community partner for this groundbreaking event. We look forward to continuing our partnership with the conference and the broader autism community in the UAE, to promote inclusion and accessibility for people of determination.
Sedra Foundation
The Special Olympics Global Center for Inclusion is proud to being a strategic partner for the
UAE XI International Research and Practice Conference on Autism Challenges and Solutions. The conference was held under the patronage of highness Sheikh Khalid bin Zayed Al Nahyan at Rotana Beach hotel from 28-30 April 2023 in Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The Global center team valued working alongside the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination team lead by and Mr. Abdula Abdel-Ali Al-Humaidan, Secretary General of Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination, and the Lotus Hollistic team lead by Mrs. Amina AL Haidan.
The Global Center Vice president, Mrs. Salyne EL Samarany, presented ‘’A glimpse into The Special Olympics ‘’Inclusive Mindsets and Behaviors Framework’ and Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools (SO UCS) ® ‘’and the engagement of the attendees was heartwarming.
The conference involved multiple organizing stakeholders and gathered an experienced international group of outstanding scientists, clinicians, caregivers, and most importantly parents to learn and network. The event covered a wide range of topics, presented diverse scientific perspectives, and provided valuable insights into the latest research and best practices in the field.
The conference was a success and reached a wide audience across the world through its organized online platforms. The conference ran smoothly in three languages and was an opportunity for like-minded people to get together with the aim of improving the lives of people affected by the autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Today more than ever, we need collective collaboration and effective public and private partnerships to enable a brighter future for all people with intellectual disabilities. This conference was a perfect example of what is possible.

We look forward to future collaboration and joint projects.
The Special Olympics Global Center
بحمدالله و توفيقه كان لنا شرف المشاركة في المؤتمر الدولي للمستجدات في بحوث التوحد برعاية كريمة من الشيخ خالد بن زايد آل نهيان رئيس مجلس ادارة مؤسسة زايد العليا لأصحاب الهمم وبالتعاون والتنظيم مع مركز لوتس هولستك، و الجمعية الروسية لتحديات التوحد وحلولها، الذي انعقد في إمارة أبوظبي معلناً عن مزيد من مشاركات الدولة المجتمعية و العلمية التي تمثل اهتمام الدولة بكل فئات المجتمع وإيمانها بأن كل فرد فيها له دوره في ازدهارها و من بينهم أبناءنا المصابون بطيف التوحد ،و من هنا كان هذا الطرح الغني حقيقة بكل ما يخص هذه الفئة و ما لنا و ما علينا لننهض جميعا و نتجاوز العقبات التي تواجههم و تواجه ذويهم ،واتوجه بشكري لكل من ساهم في إنجاح هذا المؤتمر.

الدكتور محمد فايد
طبيب عام وباحث في علوم الطب التكميلي
بداية يتقدم مركز زهرة اللوتس للتوحد إدارة وأخصائيين بأطيب التهانى والشكر الخالص لسمو الشيخ
خالد بن زايد آل نهيان – رئيس مؤسسة زايد العليا لأصحاب الهمم و لسعادة عبد الله الحميدان الأمين العام للمؤسسة
وللسادة / مؤسسة زايد العليا لأصحاب الهمم
والأستاذة / أمينة الهيدان الرئيس لمجموعة لوتس هولستك على النجاح الباهر للمؤتمر الدولي للمستجدات فى أبحاث التوحد فى دورته الحادية عشر .
وقد قام العديد من العلماء والباحثين في هذا المجال من العديد من الدول المشاركة عرض آخر البحوث التي أجريت في السنوات الأخيرة والتى تخص فئه طيف التوحد وكيفية تطوير مهارات التواصل الأساسية التي تحتاجها هذه الفئة من اصحاب الهمم من أجل تمكينهم وإدماجهم في المجتمع .

وقد كان الإقبال على هذا المؤتمر غير مسبوق من أخصائيين و أولياء الأمور وكل من له دور مباشر فى التعامل مع هذه الفئة .
نشكر جميع المنظمين والمنفذين للمؤتمر الذين بذلوا كل مافي وسعهم لإنجاحه و تقديم آخر المستجدات و التحديات و الحلول..
أسرة مركز زهرة اللوتس للتوحد – أبوظبي