Beginning: 10.00
Duration: 2,5 hours
Practical Accelerator Hall
Abu Dhabi Energy Center
April 28, 2024
Neurological Dysfunctions and Non-Neurological Comorbidities in Clinical Manifestations of Autism and Their Role in ASD Development: 15 Year-long Experience in Autism Diagnosing and Treatment.
  • Healthcare professionals
  • Medical doctors
It has been officially established that autism is a multifaceted anomaly in the maturation of the neurological system, typically detected during early life. Nevertheless, this pathological condition progresses through several underlying stages of growth, commencing in the prenatal phase and evolving into an autistic phenotype during the early and later postnatal phases. In addition to the "classical" symptoms, there is a lack of attention given to several other signs and manifestations of these illnesses. Individuals diagnosed with autism are highly prone to developing metabolic and endocrine diseases, including diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, hypo- or hyperthyroidism, dyslipidemia, electrolyte imbalances, vitamin metabolism issues, and various others.
About developed laboratory diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for comorbid illnesses that have demonstrated efficacy by significantly enhancing the quality of life as a whole, and particularly in facilitating the mental well-being of children with autism.
What will we learn:
For whom:
Medical Researcher and Private Consultant, Executive Vice President for R&D and Special Projects in Locus Fermentation Solutions, LLC (USA)

Kenneth Alibek

MD, PhD, ScD

The workshop will be held as the part of conference program.
XII International Research and Practice Conference
“Autism. Challenges and Solutions"