Day 2. Morning
28 April 2024
Hall 4
My son’s Journey curing from autism
Mrs. Rasha Zaki

A mother of four children discovered that her second kid has autism spectrum condition. When her kid was two years and two months old, three doctors and a speech therapist assessed him as a moderately autistic child who would never be a typical child. As a result, she started early intervention treatment under supervision. She studied special education and mental health because she wanted to help him more than anything else. She is going to share with you her journey and experience of multiple tracks early interventions (behavioral and nutritional).
What we will learn:
For whom:
A mother of four kids who graduated from the Department of Radio and Television in Mass Communications. She has learned that her second kid, Hozayfa, has autism spectrum disorder. When she began early intervention for treatment, he was about two years and two months old. In order to help him, she pursued studies in special education and mental health. She is eager to assist any mother or child experiencing the same difficulties as she had over an 11-year period.

  • Recognizing the importance of being satisfied with actuality and believing our ability to assist our children with autism
  • Ensure that early intervention is as important as feasible in altering behavior and treating language delay and other autistic features.
  • The significance of nutrition in altering brain chemistry and relieving autistic symptoms.
  • General public
  • Parents
  • Medical doctors
  • Scientists
  • Therapists.
رحلة تعافى ابني من مرض التوحد
11.30 - 13.00
The workshop will be held as the part of conference program.
XII International Research and Practice Conference
“Autism. Challenges and Solutions"