Day 2. Morning
28 April 2024
Lecture Hall 4
Autism by faced challenges feeding disorder spectrum
Shafira Yateem

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex developmental disorder that appears in early childhood and continues throughout a person's life, affecting all aspects of their development. This disorder impacts communication, both verbal and non-verbal, as well as social relationships and cognitive abilities of individuals with ASD.
What we will learn:
A significant portion of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) experience feeding difficulties, which can be a major source of concern for parents. These challenges not only carry social stigma but also contribute to an increase in problematic behaviors.
Furthermore, they can result in deficits in feeding skills, deficiencies in essential nutrients, gastrointestinal problems, and in severe cases, even hospitalization.
Therefore, addressing these feeding issues is crucial for the overall well- being and development of children with ASD.


  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Artificial intelligence
  • The role of artificial intelligence with people with autism spectrum disorder
  • Examples of the uses of artificial intelligence with people with autism spectrum disorder
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10.00 - 11.30
Ahmed Nofal
BSc SLP, Talktools, PROMPT, LSVT
Occupational Therapist at Yateem Specialized Center.

Abdullah Obeidat
أحمد نوفل
بكالوريوس تخاطب، تالكتولس

عبد الله عبيدات
بكالوريوس العلاج الوظيفي

The workshop will be held as the part of conference program.
XII International Research and Practice Conference
“Autism. Challenges and Solutions"